15 Website & UX Statistics [INFOGRAPHIC]

Last Updated on January 7, 2023 by James Wilson

If you want to be successful online, you’re going to need a website and some SEO services (check out our website builders) or if you intend to use WordPress then you can simply use one of the recommended WordPress web hosts here. However, simply having a website isn’t going to cut the mustard. Web design and user experience (UX) play a massive role in ensuring your website and online presence is successful, ie ensuring that your website is fast and responsive is key (having a fast web host helps).

At UK Web Host Review we’ve put together an infographic to showcase the statistics. These are statistics for last year (2018).

Website & UX Statistics of 2018

1 | 75% of people base credibility by a website

You may have the world’s best team behind your business. But, if your company’s website is not up to scratch, you could lose 1/4 of your customer base! Yes, that’s right. 75% of people base a company’s credibility by how their website looks, feels, and responds to the user journey.

2 | 53% of mobile users will leave after 3 seconds

Speed is everything in 2018. With greater technology comes a greater responsibility to provide content, almost instantly. 53% of mobile website users will leave a site or a web page if it doesn’t load within 3 seconds. The more time passes, the higher the abandonment rate (that’s why we don’t recommend free web hosting).

3 | 59% of people prefer a beautifully designed website

41% of consumers would prefer a simple design, whereas 59% prefer a stunning website. So, it’s pertinent to remember that if you want your customers to stay engaged, you’ll need something quite outstanding.

4 | 86% of visitors want information about products and services

When you visit a website, what kind of information do you want to see? 86% of surveyed people want information about products and services. It is therefore recommended that this kind of content is readily available and not hard to find. This will ensure that you continue to provide a great user experience.

5 | 1% of users interact with website sliders

Creating the perfect landing page or homepage can be difficult. Knowing what features to include and not to include is vital to creating an engaging user experience. Only 1% of users actually click on sliders, therefore having a plugin or similar on your website probably isn’t doing much to improve things!

6 | 94% of people won’t trust an outdated website

A stunning website is of course important. However, keeping your website and it’s design update is just as important. An outdated website could lose you visitors! 94% of users no longer trust outdated websites, and it’s no surprise given the competition! Make sure your website’s design is in-keeping with trends.

7 | 70% of small businesses miss call-to-actions

Call to actions range from newsletters to guides, specials to purchases. If a call to action isn’t obvious, how can you expect your visitors to click through to where you want to lead them? A whopping 70% of small businesses fail to outline clear call to action buttons, and could potentially be missing out on a lot of business.

8 | 50% of eCommerce revenue is from mobile users

Everyone is going mobile in this digital world that we live in. 50% of eCommerce revenue is produced from mobile users. This certainly backs up the notion that websites should be mobile responsive. Imagine creating a stunning eCommerce website that didn’t work on mobile! You’d potentially be losing half of your customers.

9 | It takes just 0.05 seconds to form a design opinion

Within milliseconds of visiting a website, users will have already formed an impression of what they see. It takes just 0.05 seconds for someone to decide whether they like your website or not, so grabbing their attention is key to your success. Investing in excellent web design is essential to a long-lasting business online.

10 | 44% of users will leave if there’s no contact information

If your website doesn’t contain contact information, 44% of users will leave. If there’s no information available, this could instill a lack of trust into your users about your business. Contact information relates to an address, telephone number, or email address. Make sure your visitors have a way of contacting you via your website.

11 | Slow image loading times can cause 39% of users to abandon

Slow website loading times are frustrating at the best of times. But, if a visitor manages to reach a website, and images don’t load, 39% of users are likely to leave the website. Image optimisation is key to web design; whether you’ve hired a web designer or you’re creating your own website (a fast web host is also recommended).

12 | You have on average 10 seconds to impress

When a user visits your website, you have around 10 seconds to impress them before they leave. Your website should capture a user’s attention within the first 10 seconds and keep them engaged. A good website will provide a smooth user experience and should give visitors a user journey that’s easy to follow.

13 | 2 out of 3 minutes spent online are via mobile

Mobile devices account for 2/3 of time spent online. This is why it’s so important to ensure your website and UX follows a mobile responsive design. If 2/3 of your website visitors couldn’t access your website properly, or features didn’t work, they’d quickly abandon and go elsewhere.

14 | Video content 53x more likely to reach the first page of Google

Video has become much more popular and relied on by businesses in 2018. A website that contains video content is 53x more likely to appear on the first page of results on a Google search. The impact of video is astounding; not only does it boost the user experience, it also increases your website’s SEO score.

15 | 70% of people pay attention to bulleted lists

Bullet points are much easier to digest when it comes to lists, compared to other list presentations. 70% of people will absorb information presented in a bulleted list. So, if your website is content heavy, it may be worth considering condensing your content into bullet points.

















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