Social Media Statistics You Won’t Want to Miss in 2024

Last Updated on February 13, 2024 by James Wilson

Social media is growing exponentially. It’s part of our everyday lives, for individuals and businesses. Social media platforms aren’t just a way to connect. They allow us to share news, information, photos and videos, and lots more.

Statistic: Most popular social networks worldwide as of October 2019, ranked by number of active users (in millions) | Statista
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Businesses should be grabbing the social media hype by the horns. There’s a world of possibilities out there to make your business successful. Different social media platforms offer different audiences a platform to grow.

Catering your content correctly should be part of your marketing strategy. That’s why we’ve put together our list of social media statistics you won’t want to miss in 2024…

General Social Media Statistics

  • There are 3.5 billion social media users worldwide
  • 91% of social media users access social media via mobile
  • The average person has an account on 9 social media platforms
  • Over the last 2 years, Instagram stories went from 150 million active viewers, daily, to 500 million
  • Facebook is the biggest social media platform worldwide

Facebook Marketing Statistics

  • Facebook is the third most visited website in the world
  • During a month, the average person on Facebook makes 4 comments, sees 10 posts and clicks on 8 adverts
  • Facebook videos net the highest engagement on its platform
  • 90 million small businesses are using Facebook
  • Facebook ads can reach 2 billion people

Instagram Marketing Statistics

  • In 2020, Instagram users spent around 28 minutes per day on the platform
  • More than 200 million people on Instagram will visit at least one business profile per day
  • More than 150 million people use Instagram direct messaging to connect with businesses each month
  • Brand stories have an 85% completion rate
  • 11% of U.S. social media users shop on Instagram

Twitter Marketing Statistics

  • Twitter users spend 3.39 minutes on average per session
  • 330 million people use Twitter monthly
  • 59% of marketers actively use Twitter
  • Tweets that include images or videos are 394% more likely to be retweeted
  • Twitter users spend 26% more time with ads than other social media users
  • 85% of small and medium businesses use Twitter to provide customer service
  • 80% of users have mentioned a brand in a tweet

YouTube Marketing Statistics

  • YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine
  • YouTube is the most popular social media platform in the U.S.
  • YouTube has 2 billion active users per month
  • The most subscribed YouTube channels belong to T-Series
  • Over 90% of YouTube users have learned about a new brand or business via the platform
  • Small to medium-size business advertising has doubled on YouTube in the last 2 years
  • Mobile adverts on YouTube are 84% more likely to hold a users attention compared to TV ads

LinkedIn Marketing Statistics

  • LinkedIn can generate three times more conversions than other social media platforms
  • More than 100 million job applications are posted on LinkedIn each month
  • Posts with images on LinkedIn have a 98% better comment rate
  • There are 630 million professionals on LinkedIn
  • 605.4 million people can be reached on LinkedIn via adverts
  • 59% of B2B marketers said that LinkedIn was successful at generating new leads
  • 91% of marketing executives said LinkedIn was the best place to find content

Pinterest Marketing Statistics

  • Pinterest is the fastest growing social media platform
  • There are 300 million active users on Pinterest
  • 70% of Pinterest users are female
  • 50% of millennials use Pinterest each month
  • 8 out of 10 Pinterest users have bought something based on a brand’s content on the platform
  • 25% of referral traffic to popular retail websites is generated from Pinterest
  • 55% of Pinterest users are specifically looking for a product

Social Media Business Statistics

  • 85% of businesses use tools and software to manage their social media presence
  • 50% of consumers follow brands on social media to hear about new products/services
  • 61% of consumers agree that businesses posting discounts or offers on social media will increase purchases
  • 21% of consumers would rather direct message a brand on social media than call them
  • 56% of consumers said they would unfollow or dislike a brand on social media if they received poor customer service
  • 91% of retailers use at least two social media platforms
  • 61% of consumers would rather trust recommendations from friends/family than a celebrity
  • 53% of consumers will buy from brands that are transparent on social media
  • 47% of consumers expect brands to speak about political and social issues on social media

Social Media Advertising Statistics

  • Marketers spend around £70 billion on social media advertising
  • Advert spend reached around £81 billion by 2020
  • 94% of Facebook advertising revenue came from mobile users
  • In 2020, advertisers spent around £13.4 per mobile internet user
  • Marketers are increasing their digital video budgets by 25% each year
  • Social media video ad spend accounted for 28.7% of total video ad spending
  • Pinterest experiences the highest increase in advertising reach with 4.1% each quarter


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