62 Internet Statistics That Will Wow You in 2024

Last Updated on April 11, 2024 by James Wilson

Now that 2024 is well underway, website owners will be keen to learn how to make this year a success.

Like most technologies, the internet is forever changing. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, individual, or blogger, it’s important to understand how the internet works and how people interact with it.

If you’re a business owner, you’re going to be eager to know what makes consumers want to buy online, how they’re doing it, and how you can improve your sales and reach new customers.

The internet is a beautiful place, so it’s important to understand how people search for information on it.

Most importantly it’s vital to ensure you have a fast web hosting service to keep your website running smoothly, users have changed how they interact with websites and speed really does matter now more than ever.

That’s why at UK Web Host Review we’ve created Internet Statistics that will Wow You in 2024…

General Internet Stats and Facts:

  • There were 4.4 billion global internet users as of January 2020 (Statista)
  • 49% of internet users are from Asia (Internet World Stats)
  • Europe accounts for 16.8% of internet users (Statista)
  • 88.1% of North American’s use the internet (Statista)
  • As of January 2020, there were over 1.74 billion websites (Internet World Stats)
  • There are 7 billion Google searches a day worldwide (99 Firms)
  • 56% of all internet traffic comes from automated source searches (Website Hosting Rating)
  • As of Q3 2019 there were almost 360 million domain names registered (Verisign)
  • Only 48.2% of internet traffic comes from humans, the rest is from bots (Tech Seen)
  • Internet penetration worldwide is around 56% (Statista)

Whether you’re an individual just browsing the internet, a blogger trying to earn money, a web or app developer, or a small business trying to make it big, it’s important to understand how the internet is used. Over half of the world’s population has access to the internet, and here’s how it’s mostly used.

Internet Usage Statistics:

  • 90% of internet users watch videos online (Oberlo)
  • 70% of internet users stream music (Oberlo)
  • 51% of people use the internet to watch vlogs (Oberlo)
  • 47% of the global population use the internet to listen to the radio (Oberlo)
  • 39% of people are tuning into podcasts via the internet (Oberlo)
  • 361 million people had access to the internet worldwide by the year 2000 (Dotspeedtest Blogs)
  • 57.3% of the world now has access to the internet (Statista)
  • Africa has the fastest growing online population (Statista)
  • The average user spends 6 hours and 30 minutes online each day (Digital Information World)
  • Google Chrome holds a 62% share of the internet browser share (statcounter)

Mobile devices and smartphones are widely used across the world, even more so to access the internet. Online sales of products and services have skyrocketed over the last decade, with users spending a good portion of the day on the internet via their mobile phones.

Mobile Internet Statistics:

  • There are 3.9 billion unique mobile internet users (Statista)
  • Around 5.1 billion own a mobile phone, meaning 75% of mobile users are accessing the internet (Statista)
  • 50.6% of internet traffic comes from a mobile device (Statista)
  • Laptops and computers account for around 45.5% of internet users
  • Mobile internet connection speeds have increased by 19% between 2018 to 2019 (Dotspeedtest Blogs)
  • More than 60% of users prefer WiFi to mobile internet (Deloitte)
  • 80% of internet users own a smartphone (Impact)
  • The average mobile internet user spends 2.8 hours per day online (Ezoic)
  • 88% of Facebook users are using the smartphone app (comscore)
  • 80% of all social media time is spent on smartphones (comscore)
  • 75% of US smartphone owners check emails on their phones (Blue Corona)

We’ve already discussed how the majority of internet users use the internet to browse and purchase products online. For website designers and web developers, it’s essential to understand how people purchase products online and eCommerce trends around the world.

eCommerce Internet Statistics:

  • 91% of internet users visit an online store (Statista)
  • 84% of internet users perform a search for a product (Oberlo)
  • 77% of users that search for a product will result in a purchase (Adobe)
  • The average internet user spends over 2 hours a day on social media (Oberlo)
  • Revenues from eCommerce retail were projected to hit £3.33 trillion in 2020 (Statista)
  • China is expected to bring in £1.54 trillion in eCommerce sales this year (Statista)
  • 50% of mobile ad clicks are accidental (fluct)
  • 70% of people express aversion towards mobile ads (Impact)
  • 32% of internet users say they would share a native ad (Outbrain)
  • 18% of all retail eCommerce sales come from the UK (Invesp)

Internet Statistics Worldwide:

  • China has 854 million internet users (Internet Live Stats)
  • 99.1% of China’s internet users are mobile internet users (Statista)
  • 81% of U.S. adults are online each day (Statista)
  • Less than 8% of the U.S. population don’t browse the internet daily (Statista)
  • 86% of American’s access the internet via a mobile device (Statista)
  • North America has 345 million internet users (Statista)
  • Nearly half of American 18-29-year-olds access the internet each day (Statista)
  • Australia has just under 30 million internet users (Statista)
  • 96% of Norwegians used the internet in the last 3 month (Statista)

Fascinating Internet Statistics:

  • ARPANET was established in 1969 and was the predecessor to the internet (Wikipedia)
  • The first-ever website went live on 6th April 1991 (Fossbytes)
  • The internet was added to USA Today’s list of New Seven Wonders (USA Today)
  • There were more than 5 million Terabytes of data recorded on the internet in 2010 (Life Hacks)
  • Libya has the slowest internet connection in the world (Dotspeedtest Blogs)
  • Every hour, 5000 new domain names are registered (MarketingTech)
  • 100,000 internet domains are deleted every single day (MarketingTech)
  • The highest estimate for internet domain worth is £2.4 billion (Jalopnik)

Internet Technology Statistics:

  • VPN services are most commonly used in Asia and the Middle East (vpnMonitor)
  • 30,000 websites are hacked every day (Factinate)
  • Some hacking attacks can last less than 5 seconds (Huffington Post)
  • 50% of 14-15-year-olds are addicted to the internet (The HealthSite)

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