Last Updated on February 10, 2024 by James Wilson

41 Amazing WordPress Statistics & Facts in 2024

Statistics and facts that show how incredibly fast WordPress has grown…

  • 32% of the Internet Runs on WordPress

    Originally designed as a blogging CMS – WordPress has spread like a virus throughout the web and now powers some of the largest websites known – such as Mercedes and Forbes.

  • Users make 77 million new comments on WordPress each month

    WordPress powers so much of the internet that users are continually commenting on posts with over 200,000 new comments each day.

  • 132 Million Spam Comments Made on WordPress Each Month

    Millions of spammers target WordPress each month – therefore it is beneficial to not display your email address and also to have double opt in for your contact forms.

  • 1.1 Million registered domains every 6 months

    WordPress is really easy to set up and register a new domain – it is no wonder so many people are registering every month.

  • Nearly 3 million searches for WordPress each month

    People all over he world are searching for worpress regularily. According to KWFinder the word “Wordpress” alone has been searched for 2,740,000 every month all around the world.

  • Almost 600 Million search results on Google are WordPress Websites

    WordPress is taking over the internet with 583,000,000 results on Google.

  • WordPress takes the lion share of the CMS Market

    WordPress owns 60% of the overall CMS Market

  • 70 million new posts are created on WordPress each month

    Worldwide there are 70 million new posts on WordPress each month. Which is around 226,000 new posts each day.

  • Internationally there are 120 languages served by WordPress

    WordPress is continually serving more and more of the global market by being translated in to 120 languages.

  • More Popular than Twitter and Ebay

    Twitter gets 147 unique visitors and Ebay just 109 Million while WordPress boasts 156 million monthly unique visitors. Therefore WordPress is more popular than Twitter and way more popular than Ebay according to Automatic.

  • All of the Traffic and Benefits with a Fraction of the Employees

    All of the other big sites with comparable monthly active users have thousands of employees, whereas WordPress has just 861. When you compare that with Amazon’s half a million employees – there is a huge difference.

  • 409 million people view more than 20 billion pages each month

    Sure, there are a tonne of WordPress websites – and the users seem to love them. In fact there are hundreds of millions of people viewing a whopping 20 billion pages each month.

  • 71% of all WordPress blogs are written in English.

    The English language is the most popular language for bloggers and article writers on wordpress with 71% of all articles written in English.

  • 0.6% of WordPress Articles are Dutch

    Although WordPress is now available in 120 languages, the Dutch language is in the top ten and just 0.6% of all wordpress articles are written in Dutch.

  • WordPress Developers Earn between £39,600 and £68,800 Annually

    Lots of WordPress developers work as freelancers, so that is not taken into consideration here. This pay range is taken from various research documents across the world.

  • There are now 54,452 WordPress plugins

    There are plugins for everything on wordpress and most of them are free in the plugin directory.

  • WordPress 5.1 has been downloaded 5,079,144 times (and counting)

    WordPress 5.1 is the latest version and it has been downloaded over 5 million times. That is at time of writing – the counter goes up extremely quickly.

  • Akismet blocks Hundreds of Millions of Spam Comments Daily

    Every day WordPress sites get targeted with spam. Akismet is the plugin to avoid this. Akismet successfully blocks hundreds of millions of spam comments every single day.

  • 948 Wordcamps across 71 Cities in 65 Countries

    There have been nearly a thousand Wordcamps globally. These are conferences to discuss all things WordPress.

  • Just 14% of WordPress Installations are updated to the latest 5.1 Version

    People should upgrade their wordpress to the latest version. However less than a fifth of installations (just 14%) are currently running the latest version.

  • Almost Half of all WordPress sites are in the US

    47.% of all WordPress sites are in the US. The rest of the pie is sliced up finely between other countries such as the UK, France, Germany etc…

  • Just 0.1% of WordPress websites are in Spanish (Chile)

    A very small percentage of the WordPress market place is owned by a wide range of countries like Norway with 0.2% and Spanish (Chile) with 0.2%.

  • One of the Top WordPress Themes as Earned over £23 Million

    Avada has been one of the most popular multi-purpose themes of all time. It is just £47.50 but has sold almost half a million copies.

  • WordPress is Extremely SEO Friendly – taking care of 80-90% of Googles Crawling issues

    Matt Cutt’s (a former Google employee) said that WordPress sites take care of 80-90% of Google’s crawling issues and is therefore extremely SEO Friendly.

  • WordPress 4.9 was downloaded over 20 Million Times

    WordPress is being continually updated. Version 4.9 was downloaded over 20 million times.

  • WooCommerce is installed 774, 273 times per week

    It is not uncommon for popular wordpress themes or plugins to get downloaded million time in just one week. WooCommerce is WordPresses shopping cart solution and is installed almost a million times per week.

  • 35% of the top 10,000 Websites run on WordPress

    It is surprising that huge sites such as Mercedes, Forbes, The New Yorker, Ted and Reuters use WordPress.

  • 98 versions of WordPress have been released to date

    WordPress is continually being updated and 98+ versions have been released so far.

  • The next version is due in early 2024

    Scheduled updates can be reviewed and checked – both future and historical on the Current Events Codex.

  • 36,200 lines of code on average in every WordPress theme

    Although a black wordpress installation only has 5,620 lines of code – when modified the sites run up to 5 or ten times that number.

  • 60 million all time downloads onWordPress Ecommerce Plugin

    WordPress is extremely versatile and can be used for e-commerce. WordPress’ ecommerce pluggin Woocommerce has been downloaded over 60 Million times.

  • 6000 Free Themes for WordPress

    Themes are used to make WordPress sites look more visually appealing. These can be free or paid. You can download one of the 6000 free wordpress themes from the Theme Directory.

  • WordPress 5.0 Was downloaded 35 million times

    WordPress is becoming increasingly popular – the last version was downloaded 35 million times.

  • £55 per year for domain name and hosting

    You can enjoy a premium domain name and WordPress hosting for around £55 per year.

  • You can start a WordPress Blog in just 5 Minutes

    Thanks to the one click install software offered by many hosts you can start a WordPress blog in as little as 5 miniutes.

  • WordPress is 10 times more popular than Joomla and Drupal

    Joomla is the second most popular CMS however WordPress is 10 times more popular.

  • New updates released 2-3 Times per year

    It is said the big updates to WordPress are released every 152 days on average.

  • 52% of WordPress Attacks are to WordPress plugins

    With wordpress being open source, there are often a lot of security vulnerabilities – especially with the plugins.

  • 41.2% of WordPress websites use MySQL 5.6

    MySQL is the database that WordPress uses. Of the WP websites out there 41.2% use version 5.6.

  • The 4 Most Common WordPress attacks are:

    Brute Force, Plugin Vulnerabilities, Hosting Vulnerabilities and Core and Theme Vulnerabiities

  • Custom wordpress themes can cost over £7,900

    You can buy a wordpress theme out of the box for £47.50 . However if you are looking for something truly unique then you could pay anywhere from £790 to £7,900 and above, depending on the features that you require.

  • In Dec 2018 there were 30 million Google searches for WordPress

    WordPress is certainly on the rise and Google Trends proves it with a whopping 30 million searches for WordPress in Dec 2018.

  • 73 % of traffic in Japan was for WordPress

    Compared to other blogging CMS like Blogger, Drupal and Sharepoint – the Japanese come up top when searching for WordPress (Source Google Trends) - Best UK Web Hosting