50+ Instagram Statistics Marketers Will Love

Last Updated on February 8, 2024 by James Wilson

If you’re planning your Instagram marketing strategy or are struggling to see results from your marketing efforts, these Instagram statistics are essential to ensure you get off to a good start.

Instagram turns 10 this year and it’s safe to say the visual platform has grown exponentially during this time. What once began as a photo-posting app has now transformed into a thriving game-changing business app for many individuals and companies, offering a world of opportunity.

Instagram’s growth has been steady over the years and shows no signs of dropping off in popularity any time soon. So if you’re ready to get your teeth into some awesome Instagram statistics that you need to know, let’s take a look…

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General Instagram Statistics

  • Instagram is the second most downloaded free app on the iOS App Store
  • Instagram hides the like counts and video views in 7 countries
  • The 10th most popular Google query is Instagram
  • 89% of Instagram users are from outside the US
  • Instagram is the fastest growing social media platform in Canada
  • Brunei has the highest Instagram percentage reach
  • The heart love sticker is the most popular Giphy sticker on Instagram stories


Instagram Usage Statistics

  • As of January 2020, Instagram had 1 billion monthly active users
  • Instagram has over 500 million daily active users
  • Instagram’s like button has around 4.2 billion hits per day
  • 31% of Instagram users earn more than £60k per year
  • Around 66% of Instagram users are between the ages of 18-29
  • 52% of Instagram’s audience identify as female and 48% identify as male
  • 63% of Instagram users check the app at least once per day
  • 42% of users open the app multiple times per day
  • 11% of social media users in the US shop via Instagram
  • More than 130 million users engage with shopping posts on Instagram each month
  • More than 50% of Instagram accounts browse the Explore section at least once per month
  • Instagram users spend around 28 minutes on average per day on the app


Instagram Brand Marketing Statistics

  • 70% of Instagram users search for brands on the app
  • 780% of users follow at least one brand
  • 60% of users learn about new products through the Instagram app
  • Over 200 million users will visit a business profile at least once per day
  • Around 66% of business profile visits come from users who don’t yet follow them
  • The engagement rate for a branded post on Instagram is around 4.3%
  • 70% of consumers like to see brands taking a stand on social issues that they feel are important to them
  • US Marketers spend around 69% of their influencer budgets on Instagram
  • 89% of digital marketers said Instagram is the most important social media channel for influencer marketing


Instagram Content Statistics

  • Brands and companies post on Instagram an average of 27.9x per month
  • Textured images have 79% more likes than smooth or low textured images
  • Images with a higher amount of negative or white space get 29% more likes compared to those without it
  • Images with blue as the dominant colour receive 24% more likes than red as the dominant colour
  • Posts that contain a location get 79% more engagement
  • 60% of the top brands like MTV and Starbucks use the same filter across every post


Instagram Hashtag Statistics

  • 70% of hashtags on Instagram are branded
  • Engagement increases with each hashtag until 11 in number
  • Engagement can increase by up to 12.6% by having at least one hashtag
  • Hashtags with a character limit of 21-24 perform better than shorter ones
  • Selfie hashtags can help your account get discovered and followed according to Facetune


Instagram Stories Statistics

  • 33% of the most-viewed stories on Instagram are from business profiles
  • Brands share as many stories as they do normal posts
  • Ad spend on Instagram accounted for around 23% in 2018 thanks to the rise of Instagram stories
  • 46% of Instagram stories users enjoy a laugh
  • Story adverts increase purchase intent and CTR
  • 400 million users watch stories on a daily basis
  • Brand stories see an 85% completion rate


Instagram Advert Statistics

  • 30% of users claim to have bought a product they’ve seen on Instagram
  • Instagram adverts tend to cost more than Facebook ads
  • Sponsored videos see 3x more comments compared to sponsored photos
  • Instagram ad revenue made up 30% of Facebook’s overall ad revenue by the end of 2020
  • 75% of users will take action on at least one advert at some point
  • Instagram’s potential advertising reach is 849.3 million users



  • https://www.omnicoreagency.com/instagram-statistics/
  • https://www.statista.com/topics/1882/instagram/
  • https://www.wired.co.uk/article/instagram-doubles-to-half-billion-users
  • https://blog.hootsuite.com/instagram-statistics/
  • https://www.pewinternet.org/2018/03/01/social-media-use-in-2018/
  • https://www.pewinternet.org/fact-sheet/social-media/
  • https://www.statista.com/statistics/730315/instagram-stories-dau/
  • https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/05/16/facts-about-americans-and-facebook/
  • https://business.instagram.com/blog/how-to-plan-for-holidays-on-instagram/
  • https://s21.q4cdn.com/399680738/files/doc_financials/2019/Q2/Q2’19-Earnings-Call-Transcript.pdf
  • https://blog.iconosquare.com/instagram-2015-study-unleash-power-instagram/
  • https://business.instagram.com/
  • https://www.falcon.io/insights-hub/topics/social-media-strategy/5-tips-instagram-advertising-campaigns/
  • https://www.yotpo.com/blog/instagram-data/
  • https://blog.globalwebindex.com/trends/profiling-instagram-s-future-on-its-fifth-birthday/
  • https://unionmetrics.com/resources/brands-on-instagram/
  • https://sproutsocial.com/insights/data/brands-creating-change/
  • https://www.emarketer.com/chart/226713/influencer-marketing-channels-where-us-marketers-plan-spend-most-jan-2019-of-respondents
  • https://www.bigcommerce.com/blog/influencer-marketing-statistics/#10-most-important-influencer-marketing-statistics-for-2019
  • https://www.statista.com/statistics/527088/instagram-monthly-brand-image-posts/
  • https://www.l2inc.com/daily-insights/ten-facts-from-l2s-instagram-report
  • https://www.curalate.com/blog/6-image-qualities-that-drive-more-instagram-likes/
  • http://get.simplymeasured.com/rs/simplymeasured2/images/InstagramStudy2014Q3.pdf
  • https://contently.com/2012/08/27/filter-marketing-how-the-top-brands-use-instagram/
  • https://blog.hootsuite.com/instagram-statistics/
  • https://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-networks/new-report-looks-optimal-hashtag-use-twitter-instagram-and-facebook
  • https://www.socialbakers.com/blog/brands-get-better-organic-visibility-with-instagram-stories
  • https://embedsocial.com/blog/instagram-stories-analytics/
  • https://digiday.com/marketing/state-advertising-instagram-stories-five-charts/
  • https://www.vidmob.com/state-of-social-video/
  • http://www.digitaltrainingacademy.com/casestudies/2018/01/instagram_case_study_digiorno_takes_on_takeaways_with_plan_a_pizza_story.php
  • https://www.statista.com/statistics/730315/instagram-stories-dau/
  • https://www.conviva.com/research/instagram-stories-benchmark-study-2019/
  • https://www.facebook.com/business/m/stories-guide/creative?ref=stories_guide
  • https://www.yotpo.com/blog/instagram-data/
  • https://adespresso.com/?p=19706
  • http://mediakix.com/2017/08/instagram-video-statistics-marketers-should-know/#gs.EyUdshQ
  • https://www.vox.com/2018/10/9/17938356/facebook-instagram-future-revenue-growth-kevin-systrom

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