54 Blogging Statistics to Amaze You and Your Readers in 2024

Last Updated on February 13, 2024 by James Wilson

Blogging is an awesome way to share opinions, stories, content and relevant information to readers. Anyone can create a blog, with as little or as much skill as you’d like to put into it.

There are plenty of tools to get your first blog up and running including CMS platforms like WordPress, or website builders with built-in blogging tools like Wix and SquareSpace.

If you’ve got an internet connection, you can start blogging. You can reach out to the entire world and share your stories across social media platforms, inviting further reading and a loyal user base.

At UK Web Host Review, we’ve put together some blogging statistics in 2024 that will amaze you..

General Blogging Statistics

  • 24% of bloggers publish blog posts on a weekly basis
  • Only 3% of bloggers create posts on a daily basis
  • Blog articles that contain images get around 94% more views
  • 30% of consumers say that content quality makes a blog more credible
  • The average reader spends just 37 seconds reading a blog post or article
  • Over 409 million people view more than 21.1 billion pages per month according to WordPress
  • There are more than 152 million blogs on the internet
  • Every 0.5 seconds, a new blog post is published
  • 25% of all new websites are blogs
  • The majority of bloggers are aged 30-39
  • 66% of all blog content is written in English
  • In 2018, bloggers spent an average of 3.5 hours to write a post
  • 34% of all bloggers have been blogging for less than 12 months
  • 34% of bloggers regularly check their analytics on a post
  • Justin Hall, in 1994, was one of the first major bloggers
  • 60% of bloggers create guest posts for other blogs

If you’re a blogger or you’re considering starting a blog, it’s essential to keep up to date with the latest blogging trends, if not, you may lose out to the competition who has the upper hand on their digital techniques. From the average length of post to average post views, we’ve researched the optimum blogging trends in 2024 and beyond.

Blogging Trends

  • The average blog post is 1151 words in length
  • The recommended blog post should be 2250 – 2500 words in length
  • For SEO, the ideal blog title length should be 11-14 words long
  • The top-ranked search result on Google gets 33% of all clicks
  • WordPress blog posts are viewed on average 20 billion times per month
  • Out of 152 million blogs on the internet, 76.5 million are WordPress blogs
  • On average, only 18% of companies’ blog posts are over 750 words
  • Blog titles with 6-13 words get the most consistent amount of traffic and hits

Once you’ve nailed your blog and you’ve written the finest content, you’re going to need to find a solid way of marketing your hard work. After all, a blog isn’t much good if people can’t reach it. In order to capture the widest audience, it’s important to take on board some of the latest marketing blogging statistics and weigh up where your blog can fit into the latest blogging trends.

Marketing Blogging Statistics

  • 43% of readers just skim read blogs
  • Including a colon or hyphen in your title can result in a 9% improvement
  • Blogging is responsible for 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links
  • The top 3 blogging success metrics today are page views, shares/likes, and time spent on page
  • 25% of marketers don’t outsource any content marketing creation
  • 70% of consumers would prefer to learn more about a company via a blog than an advert
  • 82% of marketers who blog consistently see positive ROI from inbound efforts
  • 41% of marketers that curate content say it has increased the quality of their leads
  • Having a blog headline or title consisting of eight words can result in a 21% CTR increase
  • 44% of marketers say that creating high-quality blog content is their biggest challenge
  • Nearly 60% of marketers reuse blog content 2-5 times

Just for fun, we’ve included some blog reader facts to understand how your potential blogging audience may behave. With the growing popularity of the internet, people are spreading their time out over multiple platforms and apps, meaning they have less time to spend on reading blog posts. It’s essential you capture your audience’s attention in the quickest time.

Blog Reader Facts

  • 77% of internet users read blogs on a regular basis
  • The optimum reading time for a blog is 7 minutes
  • 72% of readers would rather watch video content than read text
  • Between 7am and 10am is the most popular time to read a blog
  • Only 40% of blogs are read at night

Blogging isn’t just for fun, in fact, the majority of users start a blog in order to earn money online. If you’re considering turning your blog into a money maker, you may want to consider the current financial blogging trends that you’re up against.

Financial Blogging Statistics

  • Over 2/3 of people say that generating income is their reason for blogging
  • 69% of bloggers make zero money from their blogs and websites
  • 2% of bloggers earn a whopping £119k per year
  • 55% of marketers claim that blogging is their top inbound marketing strategy
  • 64% of B2B marketers outsource their blog writing
  • 25% of internet users use an ad-blocker
  • Long-form blog posts generate 9 times more leads than short-form posts
  • 45% of bloggers who earn more than £39.7k per year sell products/services
  • Companies that publish more than 16 blog posts per month generate 3.5 times more traffic than those who post 4 posts or less

And just to prove to you that it can be done, we’ve found some of the most successful blogging stories around, with bloggers earning millions (literally) per year. It’s all entirely possible, you just have to be good at what you do and offer something that differs from what everyone else is doing. Granted, that’s easier said than done, but it’s definitely achievable!

Blogging Success Statistics

  • Bill Simmons, a former blogger, earns an estimated £5.6-7.1 million per year
  • HuffPost generates a profit of £11.1 million per month
  • Moz makes around £3.37 million per month
  • Mark Manson has sold over 6 million copies of his books


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