45+ Every Digital Trend Statistic You Need to Know in 2024

Last Updated on February 8, 2024 by James Wilson

Some of the digital trends we see now, like AI and voice search, were considered far reach technologies. Some may even say they were concepts beyond imagination. However, we know that these digital trends and technologies, like many others, are essential for many business owners.

If you want your business to remain competitive, you need to be aware of current and future digital trends. Businesses must adapt to ever-changing technologies and grasp them with both hands. For example, did you know that you can now take a photo of an item like a pair of shoes and search for them on Pinterest?

We live in a world where technology moves at lightning speed. One product gets launched with the latest technology, then another overtakes it within a week. It can be hard to predict, given the fast climate, and traditional digital marketing methods are unlikely to work.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t keep up with the latest trends. It’s super important to look at our list of Every Digital Trends Statistic You Need to Know…

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Statistics

  • Knightscope K5 Robots are used by Microsoft and Uber to predict and prevent crime (Business Insider)
  • Knightscope can be hired from £5.55 an hour (Wikipedia)
  • AI technologies were pervasive in almost every new software product and service by 2020 (Gartner)
  • It’s estimated that AI will increase global GDP by up to 14% by 2030 (Techgrabyte)
  • The main reason (84%) companies adopt AI is because they will obtain a competitive advantage (Habr)
  • The second reason (75%) organisations are interested in AI is because it will allow them to move into new businesses (Habr)
  • Mastercard created a Facebook messenger bot. It uses natural language processing software so it comes across as a real person (Learn)
  • AI will be the driving force behind many services (Single Grain)
  • By 2020, 60% of businesses used AI to drive digital revenue (Single Grain)
  • By 2025, AI will grow into a £150 billion industry (Single Grain)
  • 71% of B2B marketers are interested in using AI for personalization (Single Grain)

Chatbot Statistics

  • By 2020, 85% of customer service support was powered by chatbots (Learn)
  • The main benefits of using chatbots are 24-hour service (64%) and instant responses to inquiries (55%) (Learn)
  • 63% of people prefer messaging an online chatbot than communicating with a business or brand (Botcore)
  • By 2022, chatbots saved businesses over £6.3 billion each year (Botcore)
  • 80% of businesses wanted chatbots in 2020 (Botcore)
  • Brands that use chatbot technology include Staples, Pizza Hut and Whole Foods Market (Social Media Today)

Marketing Personalisation Statistics

  • 63% of people get highly annoyed with generic advertising (Instapage)
  • 80% of people are more likely to do business with a company if they receive a personalised experience (Instapage)
  • 90% of people say that personalisation is appealing (Instapage)
  • Personalised, triggered emails based on behaviour are 3 times better than batch-and-blast emails (SingleGrain)
  • Easyjet has sent 12.5 million unique emails which had a 25% higher CTR than non-personalised emails (Global Web Index)
  • Cadbury’s personalised video campaign generated a 65% CTR ad a 33.6% conversion rate (Global Web Index)
  • Starbuck’s personalised mobile app increased revenue to £2 billion (blog.smile)

Video Marketing Statistics

  • 70% of consumers say they’ve shared a brands video (Impact BND)
  • 52% of consumers say watching product videos increases their confidence in online purchase decisions (Impact BND)
  • 72% of businesses say video has improved their conversion rate (Impact BND)
  • 65% of business executives visit the marketer’s website after viewing a video (Impact BND)
  • Short video (68%) is the most preferred way to learn about new products or services (Hubspot)
  • Infographics (3%) and sales calls/demos (3%) are the least preferred way to learn about new products or services (Hubspot)
  • Websites that have videos are 50 times more likely to drive organic search results compared to text (SEO Tribunal)
  • Native Facebook videos get a higher impressed shared and engagement than shared YouTube videos (AdEspresso)
  • Using video thumbnails in your email campaigns and using the word video in an email subject line can increase open rates by 19% (Hubspot)

Influencer Marketing Statistics

  • 63% of consumers trust an influencer’s opinion of a product more than what brands say about themselves (Adage)
  • 58% of people have bought a product in the last 6 months because of a recommendation by an influencer (Adage)
  • 35% of Mum’s trust online videos more than traditional adverts (eConsultancy)
  • The ad spent for influencer marketing reached £7.9 billion in 2020 (Mediakix)
  • AI makes the process of finding the right influencers easier and faster (Single Grain)

Visual Search Statistics

  • Pinterest launched Lens which is a visual search tool that allows a user to take a photo of an item to find where to buy it online (Simple Pin Media)
  • Pinterest’s Lens tool essentially turns your phone into a search bar (Marketing Land)
  • Pinterest’s Lens has recognised over 2.5 billion home and fashion objects (Venture Beat)
  • Samsung has partnered with Pinterest to bring visual search to its latest smartphones (Pinterest)
  • Google Lens can find similar products and tell you where to buy them for apparel and home goods (Google)
  • CamFind enables you to search for anything from your phone by taking a photo (CamFind)
  • 62% of Millenials prefer visual search to other new technologies (Social Media Today)
  • 19% of search queries return images on Google (Social Media Today)
  • There are more than 600 million visual searches on Pinterest each month (Social Media Today)
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